
Welcome to the PadTON Tokenomics where we introduce $PAT, a utility token designed to add value to our ecosystem. This document provides an overview of token allocation, total supply, and other import

Welcome to the PadTON Tokenomics

Distribution Tokens (PAT)PercentageLockup & Vesting


Private sale



10% at TGE, cliff 1 month and 90% linear vesting 18 month


Public sale



No vesting, 100% TGE





6 month cliff and linear unlock (36 month)





10% at TGE, 90% linear vesting 60 month





5% at TGE, 95% linear vesting 60 month




Total Supply Of $PAT Token

The total supply of $PAT token is capped at 1,000,000,000 tokens, ensuring a balanced economy within our ecosystem.

Token Distribution Of $PAT Token

The $PAT tokens will be distributed through various channels as follows:

  • Private Sale: 23.00% (230,000,000 tokens)

  • Public Sale: 2.00% (20,000,000 tokens)

  • Team: 12.00% (120,000,000 tokens)

  • Community: 40.00% (400,000,000 tokens)

  • Treasury: 23.00% (230,000,000 tokens)

  • Total: 100.0% (1,000,000,000 tokens)

Token Vesting Of $PAT Token

To ensure fair and balanced distribution of $PAT tokens, we have implemented the following vesting schedule:

  • Private Sale: 10% at TGE, 1-month cliff, 90% linear vesting over 18 months.

  • Public Sale: No vesting, 100% at TGE.

  • Team: 6-month cliff, linear unlocking over 36 months.

  • Community: 10% at TGE, 90% linear vesting over 60 months.

  • Treasury: 5% at TGE, 95% linear vesting over 60 months.

The Utility $PAT Token

The $PAT token is the core of the PadTON ecosystem, designed to provide exceptional utility and create a vibrant, engaged community. Here are the key highlights of $PAT

Staking and Farming

Staking: $PAT holders can stake their tokens within the ecosystem to earn attractive rewards. This encourages long-term holding and strengthens the network by securing its operations.

Farming: Users can participate in farming programs to earn additional $PAT tokens. This allows participants to maximize their returns while contributing to the platform's liquidity and overall health.

Transaction and Platform Utility

$PAT tokens can be used to pay transaction fees within the PadTON ecosystem. This includes fees for token swaps, staking, and other platform activities, often at discounted rates for $PAT holders.

Incentive and Reward Programs

Active members of the PadTON community, such as those who contribute ideas, provide feedback, or support marketing efforts, can receive $PAT tokens as rewards. This fosters a vibrant and engaged community.

Future Utility

As the PadTON ecosystem expands, $PAT tokens will play a crucial role in enabling interactions between various platforms and blockchain applications.


$PAT is not just a utility token - it is an essential component of our ecosystem. With strategic distribution and a robust total supply, it helps maintain a balanced economy within our platform. Please stay tuned for updates on utility and future developments of the $PAT token.

Last updated