Affiliate Program

The objective of the affiliate program is to incentivize users to refer both projects and investors to your platform, enhancing user engagement and expanding the platform's reach.

Program Features

1. Referral Rewards

Description: Project founder can set a referral reward percentage, typically up to 5% of the hard-cap. This provides a clear and substantial incentive for users to refer new investors.

Example: For instance, if a project sets a 5% referral reward and the fair launch raises 1000 TON, the total reward pool would be 50 TON. This means that affiliates will share 50 TON proportionally based on their contribution.

2. Reward Distribution

Proportional Distribution: Rewards are distributed based on the referred buy volume, ensuring fairness and transparency. Each affiliate's share of the reward pool is directly proportional to the amount they have contributed to the total buy volume.

3. Program Activation

During Presale Creation: Project owners can enable the affiliate program during the creation of their presale pool. This option is seamlessly integrated into the presale setup process.

Setting Referral Percentage: Owners can set the referral percentage based on their marketing strategy and budget. The system provides flexibility to adjust this percentage as needed.

4. Claiming Rewards

Monitoring Contributions: Affiliates can monitor their referral contributions in real-time through a dedicated dashboard. This transparency helps build trust and encourages active participation.

Claim Process: Rewards can be claimed once the presale is complete and the hard-cap is achieved. The platform ensures a smooth and straightforward claiming process, with clear instructions and minimal steps.

Step 1: Connect wallet, If you don't know how to connect your wallet, Click here to see instructions for connecting your wallet

Step 2: At header, Click IDO to go to IDO screen

Step 3: At IDO screen scroll to section all launchpad

Step 4: Clicking View on the project you want to view will redirect to the project details page

Step 5: At project details page scroll to section Affiliate Program and click to copy icons to copy your affiliate link.

How to follow contributions?

Step 1: Connect wallet, If you don't know how to connect your wallet, Click here to see instructions for connecting your wallet

Step 2: At header, Click IDO to go to IDO screen

Step 3: Navigate to Your IDO screen

At IDO screen, click on "Go to your IDO" at banner before the footer

Step 4: Click "Contribute" tab at Your IDO screen

Step 5: At project details page scroll to section Affiliate Program and click to copy icons to copy your affiliate link. If you want to learn about how to claim an affiliate, click here

Communication and Promotion

Promotion Strategies

  • Social Media Posts: Regular posts on social media platforms can help spread awareness and attract more participants.


  • Tutorials: Step-by-step guides on how to participate in the affiliate program.

  • FAQs: A comprehensive FAQ section addressing common questions and concerns about the affiliate program.


For Project Owners

  • Increased Visibility: The affiliate program helps project founders increase the visibility of their pools by leveraging the networks of affiliates.

  • Investor Engagement: By offering referral rewards, project founders can attract more investors and build a larger community.

For Affiliates

  • Earning Opportunities: Affiliates have the opportunity to earn rewards by referring investors to pools.

  • Transparency: The platform provides transparent tracking and easy reward claiming, ensuring that affiliates can see their contributions and earnings.

  • Engagement: Affiliates are incentivized to actively promote pools, helping to grow the platform’s user base and investment volumes.

For the Platform

  • User Base Growth: The affiliate program helps grow the platform’s user base by attracting more investors and project owners.

  • Investment Volumes: Increased investor participation leads to higher investment volumes, benefiting the platform and its users.

  • Community Participation: The affiliate program fosters a sense of community and engagement among users, enhancing overall platform participation.

Last updated